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5 Simple Job Search Tips You’re Forgetting About

1. Tell people that you’re looking!

Your job search shouldn’t be a secret. Tell your friends, family, and former colleagues that you’re looking for a job. Then, they can reach out when they see a role that fits what you’re looking for. They may also be able to refer you for an open position at a company in your field.

2. Go offline.

Right now, it’s easier than ever to search for a job. However, online job boards aren’t the only place to find a new job. You can network, look at print ads, and check out what’s going on in your local area.

There are two reasons this can give you a big advantage. The first is that you’ll find out about jobs that you may not see on the job boards. The second is that if you do find a job you’d like to apply to, you’ll likely face less competition by going this route.

3. Change up your resume. 

That resume from 2005 isn’t going to cut it. If it’s been ages since you’ve thought about your resume, the time is now. If it’s only been a few months, you might simply need to switch out some keywords. If it’s been years, you should rewrite your resume or work with a professional resume writing service.

4. Contact your references

If you have references on your resume, make sure to notify them that you’re actively looking for a job. This way, they can expect phone calls or emails from your potential employer. When they aren’t caught off guard, they’ll be able to better express why you’re a good candidate

5. Be the best fit!

This may sound obvious, but it’s important to focus on applying to jobs where you’re the best fit. If it isn’t clear to the employer that you’re a good fit, they probably won’t interview you. Don’t apply to every job you see for the sake of it. Instead, focus on the jobs that you know you’re qualified for. 

We hope that these simple job search tips help you achieve success in your job search. Let us know what your favorite tip was in the comments below. Ready to nail your job search process? We can help. Book a free career consultation and resume review with iCareerSolutions now.

Let us help you land your next position by crafting the best ATS optimized resume or by managing your entire job search. Here’s more information about our Resume Writing Services and Reverse Recruitment Service. Book a call today to speak directly with our CEO and Founder, Arno Markus!

About iCareerSolutions

iCareerSolutions, America’s #1 Executive and Professional Resume Writing Services, Reverse Recruitment, and LinkedIn Profile Development Company. 28X award-winning resume writers deliver professional resumes that get interviews. We have successfully landed our executive clients senior-level leadership positions at companies like Apple, Amazon, EA, Oracle, GM, Google, Facebook, DoJ, Gap, and 2U just to name a few. iCareerSolutions has 200+ 5-star reviews and offers a 60-day interview guarantee. Every resume template created is Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) compatible and highly customized to meet your unique needs.

Active Members of The National Resume Writers’ Association (NRWA) │ The Professional Association of Resume Writers & Career Coaches (PARW&CC) │ Career Directors International (CDI) │ Career Professionals (CPC) │ Forbes Coaches Council

One of the Top Multi-Award-Winning Resume Writing Services in the country.

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60 Day Interview Guarantee

Here are some of our Top Resume Testimonials

Vanessa Dos Santos Oliveira
Arno Markus Certified Professional Résumé Writer Arno and his team helped me write a concise, engaging, and on-target resume. I also had the opportunity to gain long-lasting experience by employing proven strategies to secure a job through his 1:1 Coaching session.
Nimo Abdulle
Arno is phenomenal. He was immensely helpful in helping me return to the world of Marketing. He helped me develop a resume that was effectively geared to Marketing roles and eased the transition from financial services. As a result of his professional coaching and resume services, I exponentially received more calls from interested employers and recruiters. I am happy to note that I’m currently g…
Nimo AbdulleClient Services
Colleen Lammers
I am thrilled with the professional resume and letters you wrote for me. Updates to my resume were long over due review. You did a terrific job of organizing, analyzing, and presenting my resume in a more coherent and detailed order. It is a resume that I am proud of, and it better expresses my career points. A resume is not a tool that presents one with a job, but it is a tool that changes one’s …
Colleen LammersProduct Cybersecurity Manager
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Documents received!  First pass looks great, will go through in detail and send back redlines (is it OK to use change tracking in Word?) Hope you are feeling better!
William Klancko
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I met Arno through my husband when I was trying to update my resume. He was extremely helpful and gave a real insight in today’s industry standards. He was direct and to the point and guided me in what needs to happen and what I need to do. I am pleased with my interaction with him.
Dawn Baker
Vanessa Dos Santos Oliveira
Arno and his team helped me write a concise, engaging, and on-target resume. I also had the opportunity to gain long-lasting experience by employing proven strategies to secure a job through his 1:1 Coaching session. Arno and his team helped me write a concise, engaging, and on-target resume. I also had the opportunity to gain long-lasting experience by employing proven strategies to secure a job …
Vanessa Dos Santos OliveiraAccountant
deniz tuncay
Good to work with Arno. He was really good at finding out accomplishments on my career and putting them together for building up my resume.
Deniz TuncayCountry Manager
Steve Harriman
Strategic insights in how to position yourself in the marketplace Arno’s approach and methodology is second to none. Attention detail. Asked all the right questions which resulted in a truly awesome resume and cover letter. I have used Arno for several years and will continue to work with him whenever I am in the market for a change in careers.
Steve HarrimanSales Leader
Working with Arno and his team has significantly changed the trajectory of my career and life. Financially speaking, I have seen a 500x+ return on my investment. Learning about what recruiters and companies look for and optimizing my resume to give me a leg up on my competition has provided me with several opportunities over the past few years. His methodology and process is insightful and very ef…
Glenn BrodskyAVP, Talent Development
Joy Mayo
I have used Arno’s suggestions on my resume and linked in profile while I was actively looking for a new career. I received many compliments on both my resume and linked in page. He has helped me out tremendously and he will do the same for you.
Joy MayoVice President

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