5 Simple Job Search Tips You’re Forgetting About
1. Tell people that you’re looking!
Your job search shouldn’t be a secret. Tell your friends, family, and former colleagues that you’re looking for a job. Then, they can reach out when they see a role that fits what you’re looking for. They may also be able to refer you for an open position at a company in your field.
2. Go offline.
Right now, it’s easier than ever to search for a job. However, online job boards aren’t the only place to find a new job. You can network, look at print ads, and check out what’s going on in your local area.
There are two reasons this can give you a big advantage. The first is that you’ll find out about jobs that you may not see on the job boards. The second is that if you do find a job you’d like to apply to, you’ll likely face less competition by going this route.
3. Change up your resume.
That resume from 2005 isn’t going to cut it. If it’s been ages since you’ve thought about your resume, the time is now. If it’s only been a few months, you might simply need to switch out some keywords. If it’s been years, you should rewrite your resume or work with a professional resume writing service.
4. Contact your references.
If you have references on your resume, make sure to notify them that you’re actively looking for a job. This way, they can expect phone calls or emails from your potential employer. When they aren’t caught off guard, they’ll be able to better express why you’re a good candidate
5. Be the best fit!
This may sound obvious, but it’s important to focus on applying to jobs where you’re the best fit. If it isn’t clear to the employer that you’re a good fit, they probably won’t interview you. Don’t apply to every job you see for the sake of it. Instead, focus on the jobs that you know you’re qualified for.
We hope that these simple job search tips help you achieve success in your job search. Let us know what your favorite tip was in the comments below. Ready to nail your job search process? We can help. Book a free career consultation and resume review with iCareerSolutions now.