How Often Should You Update Your Resume

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Update your resume if your personal information has changed

You do want to include contact information on your resume. However, potential employers don’t need to know your age or your home address. If this information is still on your resume, it’s got to go. Free up space to show off experience or write an engaging statement about yourself.

If you are changing careers you definitely need to update your resume

Have you done a 180 in your professional life? If so, you’ll want to take another glance at your resume. Why? It’s likely that you’ll need to showcase different roles you’ve had and other skills. Employers want to know what makes you the right candidate. If you’re changing industries, your old resume won’t do you much good. This is also a time to consider hiring a professional resume writing service. Here is an example of one of our award-winning Career Change Resume  Samples.

Your resume is full of irrelevant experience

Your potential employer doesn’t care about the summer job you had at the ice cream shop as a teenager. In most cases, you should only include work experience from the last 10-15 years. When you list every job you’ve ever had, the roles that do matter get buried in pages of text that your potential employer may not sift through. Make it easy for them to see why they should interview you. In today’s job market it is very important to target your resume by branding yourself for the position you are applying for and presenting examples of your achievements that are relevant to the position you are applying to.

Update your resume by adding your skills and keyword optimizing

The skills section is part of the resume that many people overlook. This is a big mistake. We’re always learning, and your resume is a great place to show that off. So list that new software you’ve mastered or what your takeaway was from your last big project. These are the things that make you stand out. These skills could also be relevant keywords that will assist you in passing the ATS systems.

Wrapping Up

If the tips in this post apply to you, it’s time to take a look at your resume. Remember, having a great resume is the first step to presenting yourself as the right fit for your next job. Want to update your resume? We can help. We are a multi-award-winning professional resume service that offers the best resume writing service. Book a free resume review with iCareerSolutions professional resume writing service now using this calendar link.

Let us help you land your next position by crafting the best ATS optimized resume or by managing your entire job search. Here’s more information about our Resume Writing Services and Reverse Recruitment Service. Book a call today to speak directly with our CEO and Founder, Arno Markus!

About iCareerSolutions

iCareerSolutions, America’s #1 Executive and Professional Resume Writing Services, Reverse Recruitment, and LinkedIn Profile Development Company. 28X award-winning resume writers deliver professional resumes that get interviews. We have successfully landed our executive clients senior-level leadership positions at companies like Apple, Amazon, EA, Oracle, GM, Google, Facebook, DoJ, Gap, and 2U just to name a few. iCareerSolutions has 200+ 5-star reviews and offers a 60-day interview guarantee. Every resume template created is Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) compatible and highly customized to meet your unique needs.

Active Members of The National Resume Writers’ Association (NRWA) │ The Professional Association of Resume Writers & Career Coaches (PARW&CC) │ Career Directors International (CDI) │ Career Professionals (CPC) │ Forbes Coaches Council

One of the Top Multi-Award-Winning Resume Writing Services in the country.

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Andrew Rausch
iCareerSolutions helped me with my resume and cover letter as well as giving me a LinkedIn101 course. Arno did a fantastic job on elevating my resume and cover letter to a new level. I highly recommend this service to anyone who needs it, even if they think their resume is good enough already. Arno is definitely a professional in his craft.
Andrew RauschMechanical Engineer
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Thanks for the draft. It looks good.
Balaji SanthanamMBA at Freddie Mac
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Really enjoyed working with Arno. His work is excellent and he offered great guidance.
Elliot SolomonPartnerships & Strategy Executive
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The work that iCareer Solutions does is great! They helped me improve my personal Brand, my resume and my LinkedIn profile and now I’m scheduling more interviews.
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“Hi Arno, Looks great!”
Ryan CarlinSenior Product Marketing Manager
Frank Petrillo
iCareerSolutions and Aron’s team made the experience painless and productive. They did all the heavy creative lifting. All I had to do was provide the raw information and they made it come alive on paper and screen. The many hits I get on my resume are due in part to their work. Highly recommended!
Frank Petrillo
Adam Mieszcanski
I want to thank you again, your assistance, guidance and service helped me land my current role and I couldn’t be happier!
Adam MieszcanskiIT Technical Support Analyst
Matthew Barrett
Working with Arno was fantastic; throughout the entire process, I found Arno to be insightful and helped flush out ideas that would end up with him crafting a flawless resume. I was and am very please to have met and worked with Arno and would recommend him to anyone I know. Working with Arno was fantastic; throughout the entire process, I found Arno to be insightful and helped flush out ideas tha…
Matthew BarrettResidential Manager
Zachary Farbe
Arno and his team are amazing to work with! I would recommend anybody to work with them.
Zachary FarbeManaging Director
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Hello Arno, Yes, I did. The finals look great!
Ernie Phillips

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