Are Resume Writers Worth It?

Request a Consultation from an Award-Winning Recruiter and Resume Writer

(Board, C-Level, VP, Director & Mid-Career Professionals)

Why hiring a Professional Resume Writing Service can save you money?

Now, what I’m talking about is not the fact that not everybody is a good writer, or that most people frankly hate working on their resumes. What I’d like you to think about is the time you will spend writing, editing, rewriting, and tweaking if you choose to do it yourself.

Multiply that by the value of one hour of your time. Is the result greater or less than the price of a professionally written resume? And wouldn’t you rather spend all that time taking an online course, recharging after a productive day, hanging out with your family, or working out?

Why not using a Professional Resume Writer might cost you an interview!

Then consider the changes in today’s job search; if your resume is not ATS Keyword Optimized, it may never end up in front of a human and could be automatically rejected! Whether you are applying to an online job posting or have a connection within the company, at one point, that new job opportunity will result in you having to upload your resume.  A professional resume service can help you get your resume in front of a hiring manager!

Every day you are out of work costs you money. A professional resume writer has the tools to help you get an interview. They will work with you one-on-one to help you to present your achievements and accomplishments. Working with a professional resume writer will help you keyword optimize your resume and assist you in demonstrating to your potential employer that you are the best candidate for that coveted position.

Hiring a professional resume writing service can be the best money you spend on your career! It is an investment in your ability to earn top dollar at a job you love. For a free resume consultation, contact iCareerSolutions award-winning resume service use this booking link.

There are Many Reasons It Pays to Work with a Professional Resume Writer

Want to polish up your resume? There’s a lot of information out there about the best way to do it. A professional writer has the skills to take your resume to the next level. Keep reading to find out why it pays to work with a professional resume writer

They write…so you don’t have to.

Arno Markus


Would you rather walk on glass than sit down and write your resume? There are a lot of people who feel that way. The truth is, if you aren’t confident in your own writing skills, writing a resume can be challenging and fruitless. Hiring a professional resume writer is a great investment in your career. As your skills develop, your resume should too. A professional writer can put together a resume that shows your best qualities and accomplishments.

Speak their language

You can take the mystery out of figuring out what the hiring managers want to hear. Professional resume services know what hiring managers are looking for. They know what qualities and qualifications matter most to them. That means that they can help you put together your resume in a way that speaks their language. 

Avoid mistakes

Ever made an embarrassing typo? Most of us have. Studies show that our brains can read misspelled words. That can quickly turn writing your own resume into a stressful situation. A professional resume writer will go over your resume multiple times to correct those mistakes. Don’t let a few typos disqualify you from a job that you’re a great fit for. 

They aren’t afraid to make you look good

Let’s be honest…It’s hard to talk about yourself. We all know that you need to present the best version of ourselves, but we get stuck in our own heads. How much is too much? Professional resume writers have a completely different perspective. They can find a way to show off what makes you awesome and communicate your core values to a potential employer.

You’ll save time

Time is money, right? When you work with a professional resume writer, they’ll help you craft the perfect resume for your dream job. That way, you have more time for the job search and those important interviews. There’s a lot of things you have to handle and keep track of while you’re searching for a job. Resume writers can save you time by taking the task of perfecting your resume off your plate. 

Get your resume out of the “black hole”

Applying to job after job and not hearing anything back can be frustrating. It’s important to remember that most of the time, your resume will create your first impression for you. If something is off about your resume, you probably won’t be scheduling an interview. The good news? A professional resume writer will be able to see where things are going off the rails. Sometimes, all it takes is a few small changes to make your resume shine. 

Wrapping Up

What do you think is the most difficult part of writing a resume? Leave a comment to let us know. If you want to make your resume stand out from the rest, book a free career consultation and resume review with iCareerSolutions now. 

Let us help you land your next position by crafting the best ATS optimized resume or by managing your entire job search. Here’s more information about our Resume Writing Services and Reverse Recruitment Service. Book a call today to speak directly with our CEO and Founder, Arno Markus!

About iCareerSolutions

iCareerSolutions, America’s #1 Executive and Professional Resume Writing Services, Reverse Recruitment, and LinkedIn Profile Development Company. 28X award-winning resume writers deliver professional resumes that get interviews. We have successfully landed our executive clients senior-level leadership positions at companies like Apple, Amazon, EA, Oracle, GM, Google, Facebook, DoJ, Gap, and 2U just to name a few. iCareerSolutions has 200+ 5-star reviews and offers a 60-day interview guarantee. Every resume template created is Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) compatible and highly customized to meet your unique needs.

Active Members of The National Resume Writers’ Association (NRWA) │ The Professional Association of Resume Writers & Career Coaches (PARW&CC) │ Career Directors International (CDI) │ Career Professionals (CPC) │ Forbes Coaches Council

One of the Top Multi-Award-Winning Resume Writing Services in the country.

Book a complimentary consultation for your Professionally Managed Job Search now!

Forbes Coaches Council
60 Day Interview Guarantee

Here are some of our Top Resume Testimonials

Rachel OBrien
My sincere gratitude Arno for all your time, patience and refined skills in word smithing my resume, and guidance during these past few months. You and your firm’s expertise has been a game-changer. The results have transformed and elevated my brand that is uniquely me and the value I will bring to the right organization of my choice. I have only just begun my job search and the responses have b…
Rachel O'BrienDirector Governance
Manuel Garcia
The best tool for a job seeking I found three jobs with the resume that they designed for me. Amazing!
Manuel GarciaMarketing Director
blank profile picture
Greatest Image and Brand Transformation My sincere gratitude Arno for all your time, patience and refined skills in word smithing my resume, and guidance during these past few months. You and your firm’s expertise has been a game-changer. The results have transformed and elevated my brand that is uniquely me and the value I will bring to the right organization of my choice. I have only just beg…
Jeremiah Callaghan
Arno, I like the improvements to my resume.  This is exactly why I asked you to assist me.  The cover letter really sets up a picture of my accomplishments and experience.  The resume covers everything.  The bullet box on the first page is great.  I have never seen that before and it stands out.
Jeremiah Callaghan
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Arno’s expertise in writing resumes, cover letters, and building LinkedIn profiles is very impressive. He has a background and skill-set that I expect allow him to dominate this field. It’s difficult to illustrate just how good his services are, so I’ll emphasize the end results significantly exceeded all of my expectations. And on top of it all he was great to work with through the entire p…
Kyle WassExecutive Project Leader
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Amazing Experience with Arno Markus I researched and solicited recommendations from friends and business peers. I received a recommendation from a trusted friend to hire Arno Markus at iCareerSolutions to write my resume. I made the decision to lean into the experience of working with Arno. It’s something I do not regret. He was very much up front, sharing every detail for what to expect and he…
A future Scrum Master
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Many thanks for your 1st drafts. They definitely are more impactful and executive in presentation and style!
Tomas Faoilean
Quentin Smith
Arno is a master of creating an achievement based resume that sets the candidate apart. He showcases one’s accomplishments in a professional, aesthetically pleasing presentation. His methodology for working with clients is logical and makes it easy for the client to focus on identifying their achievements. Arno is pleasure to work with in the process. I recommend him for any C-suite executive need…
Quentin SmithVP of Finance
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Arno is truly an artist with words when it comes to resumes, cover letters, and LinkedIn. After being displaced due to my company being purchased, I was convinced that I could write my resume, after not doing one for over 16 years, as well as create the perfect LinkedIn profile. I soon learned that my new resume and LinkedIn profile were not getting the attention that I expected. A trusted friend …
John ThreadgillChief Information Officer
Vanessa Dos Santos Oliveira
Arno and his team helped me write a concise, engaging, and on-target resume. I also had the opportunity to gain long-lasting experience by employing proven strategies to secure a job through his 1:1 Coaching session. Arno and his team helped me write a concise, engaging, and on-target resume. I also had the opportunity to gain long-lasting experience by employing proven strategies to secure a job …
Vanessa Dos Santos OliveiraAccountant

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